Wednesday, August 25, 2010

High School Never Ends

"High school never ends." - Everybody

I'm wondering why this axiom seems to resurface consistently.  High school never ends.  I've heard people apply it to work, family reunions, and even grocery shopping.  I intend to dig out what this means exactly, this zombie phrase, so that we may exhume it's undead corpse in the light of day and ensure it is thoroughly killed before we bury it for good.

You might ask why I seek to dig for meaning in this phrase only to destroy it.  This phrase is simply annoying.  It has a backward-looking feel, and reeks of whining.  Oh woe, woe is me, for high school, it never ends.  Get over it.  We are at your shack, whining, and our pitchforks and torches ache to root you out.

No more whining!  No more whining!  No more whining!

I assume "High school never ends" roughly means "In my observation people are selfish; they hold grudges, work hard to avoid working, and pry into one-another's affairs."  Probably all true.  But the zombie has a weakness here.  Notice the context.  You are saying the phrase.  You are asserting all of the above.

YOU are casting judgment on others, holding grudges, prying, et cetera et cetera et cetera.  You're starting to sound zombie-ish.  If you are sharpening your shank to hunt down the high-schooler, perhaps it is you who need a good shanking.

How much energy are you wasting by being preoccupied with how others comport themselves?  If you think about this question for more than one second, you are likely wasting too much time.

It is enough to let it drop.  Get on with your life.  Don't waste time lamenting, "High school never ends."  Instead, try the phrase, "Why haven't I graduated to real life?"  Looks like you'll have to pitchfork yourself.  Look to your left, now to your right.  At the end of this essay, both of those people need to grow up.

The end.

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